How to understand the VCT valuation overview


The name of the Venture Capital Trust (VCT).

Current value

The monetary value of the shares (NAV multiplied by share holding).

Current share holding
The total number of shares that your client holds in this VCT.

Latest Net Asset Value (pence)

The NAV (Net Asset Value) is the value of the assets (owned by the VCT) after deducting the value of its liabilities (such as debts and financial obligations), per share.
Latest NAV date
The date on which the latest NAV was announced.

Pending investment

This is money for a new application that is waiting to be allotted.


Total dividends paid since inception, including both reinvested and paid out dividends.

Dividends reinvested

Total dividends that have been reinvested through the dividend reinvestment scheme (DRIS).

Dividends paid out

Total dividends that have been paid out as cash.

Recent contributions

All contributions received after 28 October 2022.

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