Where are my client's EIS certificates?

EIS 3 Certificates

If your client is invested into one of our Octopus Ventures EIS portfolios, their EIS 3 certificates will be uploaded to the portal as and when they become available from HMRC. These can be found in the 'Documents' tab of your client's online valuation.

They will receive one EIS 3 certificate for each underlying investment company, and it typically takes 12-18 weeks from the date the funds are invested into each company to produce an EIS 3 certificate.

EIS 5 certificate

If your client is invested into one of our Knowledge Intensive EIS funds, they will receive one EIS 5 certificate for the entire portfolio. The certificate will be dated as of the fundraise close date, rather than when the funds were deployed.

Before we can distribute an EIS 5 certificate, we need to wait until all the EIS 3 certificates are available. These are not sent directly to your client, but are exchanged for an EIS 5 certificate with HMRC. Due to this process, we expect EIS 5 certificates to be available 18-24 months from the date the fundraise closed, which is normally the end of each tax year.

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