Where are my EIS certificates?

EIS 3 certificates

If you're invested into one of our Octopus Ventures EIS portfolios, your EIS 3 certificates will be uploaded to the portal as and when they become available from HMRC. You can find them in the 'Documents' tab.

You'll receive one EIS 3 certificate for each underlying investment company, and it typically takes 12-18 weeks from the date the funds are invested into each company to produce an EIS 3 certificate.

EIS 5 certificate

If you're invested into one of our Knowledge Intensive EIS funds, you'll receive one EIS 5 certificate for the entire portfolio. The certificate will be dated as of the fundraise close date, rather than when the funds were deployed.

Before we can distribute an EIS 5 certificate, we need to wait until all the EIS 3 certificates are available. These are not sent directly to you, but are exchanged for an EIS 5 certificate with HMRC. Due to this process, we expect EIS 5 certificates to be available 18-24 months from the date the fundraise closed, which is normally the end of each tax year.

If you have any further questions, you can send us a message by closing this article and clicking "Ask". You can also contact our support team on 0800 316 2295 or email us at investorsupport@octopusinvestments.com.

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