When are ongoing EIS charges paid?

Octopus Ventures EIS

Ongoing fees are paid quarterly (January, April, July & October). The ongoing fee will start to accrue as soon as the initial fees have been taken.

You can find exact amounts and dates paid in the cash statement of each client’s portfolio.

Octopus EIS

We pay ongoing fees for Octopus EIS portfolios quarterly (February, May, June & August). You can find exact amounts and dates paid in the cash statement of each client’s portfolio. 


We pay ongoing fees for Eureka portfolios quarterly (February, May, June & August). However, it is common for the adviser fees/AMC to accrue since sales need to be made in the underlying companies to provide liquidity.

Eureka EIS is going through a managed exit. This means we’re actively seeking opportunities to sell out of these businesses and fees will be paid automatically, as and when.  

You can find the amounts paid/accruing in the cash statement of each client’s portfolio. 

The fees and dates paid can be found on your commission statements for all products above. If you’re not part of a network and need access to commission statements, then we just require a director/partner at the firm to email support@octopusinvestments.com confirming your access. 

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