What is the VCT transactions table?

This table will be used to see all of the transactions that have taken place since inception for this VCT investment.
This is the date the transaction took place
Quantity (shares)
The number of shares that this transaction relates to
Share Balance
Total share holding at after transaction
Below is a list of the VCT transactions that may appear on your online account.
An allotment is an allocation of VCT shares.
CREST Stock Deposit
This is a transfer of shares in to a nominated CREST account. Often shares are transferred into a CREST account so they can be sold or a nominee provider. Octopus do not hold the details on the account they were transferred to or what happened after they were transferred.
Dividend Reinvestment Allotment
This is an allotment of shares, as your client had opted to have their dividend reinvested.
Share Conversion
This is a conversion of shares from one VCT into another, this has no effect on the holding period. This is normally due to a VCT merger.
Enhanced Buy Back
This is a historic transaction that allowed investors sell their VCT holding and buy new shares on the same day.
CREST Stock Withdrawal
This is a transfer of shares out of a CREST account in to a certificated format (paper share certificate).
Divided Reinvestment Correction
The allocation of additional shares from a dividend reinvestment.
Cancelled Shares
This is the cancellation of shares, the VCT was closed and a final value was paid out as a dividend.
Bonus Allotment
Applicable to some AIM VCT shares holders, this related to a historic bonus issue of shares when the VCT was managed by Close Brothers.

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